International Journal of Interactive Storytelling
Volume 1, No. 2, 2017, pp 25-32 | ||
Abstract |
An Analysis of Storytelling in Transmedia Content
The purpose of this paper is to analyze the formal characteristics and aesthetic values of transmedia contents, mainly focusing on storytelling. Transmedia storytelling refers to a form of a creation method which delivers integrated contents by simultaneously using multiple platforms. Transmedia storytelling disperses the literacy, which the tree structure called for, and restores orality while deconstructing public records and producing private discourses. In this process, transmedia contents utilize various forms of new media, in which users actively participate. Thus, transmedia storytelling pursues the rhizomatic structure as to both of its form and content. In this process, the other that the mass media has excluded are to gain their voices. To prove this, this study pays attention to the fact that ‘women’s diary’ is a key motif for transmedia contents. Here, this study applies Hélène Cixous’ ‘feminine writing’ to transmedia contents in order to claim its aesthetic value. As a result, transmedia storytelling realizes the alternative values through the restoration of otherness and the embracement of polyphony.